
South Vernon United Methodist Church

142 Columbus Road, Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050

southvernonumc@gmail.com         www.southvernonumc.org

“Brighten the Corner Where We Are with the Love of Jesus


 Sunday, April 21, 2024, 11:00 a.m

Welcome and Announcements   Pastor Thom Fowler
Prelude                                           Barb Spitzer, Pianist
Bringing Forth the Light of God’s Presence

*Call to Worship read responsively    Ada Carey, Liturgist

Here today there is love, freely available to all.

Not our human loving, fragile, and intermittent,

but God’s supreme love.

May a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth,

break forth into joyous songs of praise.

Here today is love, higher than our loftiest hopes,

deeper than the immensities of time and space,

God’s inclusive love.

Let the seas roar their praise,

and everything in them.

Let the rivers clap their hands

and the hills sing together their happiness.

The joy of the living Christ Jesus be with you all.

And also with you.

(From re:Worship, based on Psalm 98 & John 15:9-17. Written by Bruce Prewer)


*Hymn #544          All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord

tune: Land of Rest, UM269


*Unison Prayer                                        Ada Carey, Liturgist

We pray that God would watch over us, and that

we would bear fruit in the name of our Lord.

We pray that we would be good trees,

rather than thistles or thornbushes.

We pray to be fruitful,

that we might serve our God, now and forever. Amen.

(Written by Jonah Mitchell, inspired by Matthew 7:15-23 (NIV)


*Sharing the Peace greet one another in God’s love and peace
*Prayer of Dedication
Sharing Our Prayer Concerns and Joys
Pastoral Prayer followed by the Lord’s Prayer #895

Hymn #601                                   Thy Word Is a Lamp

(double refrain)


Message                       Sermon on the Mount Series

Being Fruitful
*Hymn #259 FHP (green)                           Living for Jesus
*Taking Forth the Light

*Benediction in unison

May God’s will be done here where we live;

may impossible things come to pass.

May we find strength in the journey

and joy in the struggle,

through the grace of God,


(From re:Worship, written by Katie Cook, inspired by Jonh 2:1-11)

*Postlude                                        Barb Spitzer, Pianist

                                                              * Please stand if you are able.