Church Leadership

South Vernon United Methodist Church

Officers for the Year 2021


Church Council: 

Chair                                                                          Brad Mills

Pastor                                                                        Carolyn Greene

            Recording Secretary                                                Ada Carey

            Lay Leader                                                                Loretta Rearick

            Financial Secretary                                                 Joan Ransom

            Treasurer & Finance Chair                                     Russ Carey

            PPRC Chair                                                               Geri Reese

            UMW President                                                       Geri Reese

            Trustee Chair                                                           Tom Lepley

            Members at Large                Class : Sherri Ware. Pat Wolfe

                                                            Class : Tad Rearick.  Debbie Mills

                                                             Class : Shirley Lepley, Jan Page, Pat Lovett


Committee on Lay Leadership                       Rev. Carolyn Greene, Chair

Class 2021: Ada Carey, Joan Ransom

                        (Nominations)                                 Class 2022: Pat Lovette, Brad Mills

                                                                                    Class 2023: Geri Reese, Barb Spitzer

                                                                                    Loretta Rearick (Lay Leader)


Pastor/Parrish Relations Committee         Geri Reese – Chair

                                                                                    Class : Geri Reese. Ron Lovette

                                                                                    Class : Deb Shelhorn,Shirley Lepley

                                                                                    Class : Ada Carey, Dena Hooley

                                                                                    Loretta Rearick (Lay Leader)




Board of Trustees                                                Class : Tom Lepley., Russ Carey

                                                                                    Class : Bill Spitzer, Jan Page

                                                                                    Class : Debbie Mills, _________




Financial Committee                                         Russ Carey – Chair

                                                                                    Brad Mills – Council Chair

                                                                                    Joan Ransom – Financial Secretary

                                                                                    Ada Carey – UMW Treasurer

                                                                                    Tom Lepley – Trustee Chair

                                                                                    Geri Reese – PPRC Chair

                                                                                    Carolyn Greene – Pastor

                                                                                    Loretta Rearick – Lay Leader



Communion Steward                                              Ada Carey

Church Historian                                                     Brad Mills

Pianist                                                                       Barbara Spitzer and Loretta Rearick

Custodian                                                                  Debbie Mills

Custodians of Legal Papers                                    Brad Mills & Russ Carey

Pastor                                                                        Carolyn Greene

Sunday School Superintendent                             _________________

Sunday School Secretary                                        _________________

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